Saturday, December 26, 2009


Bone and sinew; Muscle and blood sanguine. A simple creature of cells and mind, insignificant and traveling through a murky perception of life. Looking for clarity and answers. Every breath important, yet every action left unmeasured. Why move forward?

Once loved, and still in love. Motivated against the enemy. Poison tongue in darkness. Hidden by obscurity and anonymity. Reveling in the butcher of natural order. Does this creature, this destroyer of my world deserve life?

Once loved, and still in love. Motivated by care. Despair in the eyes of the family. Broken and cut off. Suffering the death of a loved one who is still alive. A cracked soul trying to find peace. Does happiness cradle her now?

Once loved, and still in love. Motivated by hope of healing. Now blind to the beauty of my peers. Searching for a way to see unhindered. Unhelpful knowledge coming freely. Ambition waning. Is this pain terminal?

Why move forward?

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